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Note: To qualify for credit a course must be directly related to the professional growth and development of the professional engineer. The following courses are designed to provide technical, managerial, or ethical/legal instruction to enhance the professional engineer's practice. The responsibility is placed on the registrant to determine which courses meet continuing education requirements in states that do not pre-approve courses or sponsors of continuing education courses. The Kentucky Board of Licensure does not pre-approve engineering continuing professional development courses.
THE ENGINEERING RFP - 4 PDH - Course reviews key components of a Request for Proposal (RFP) as it relates to engineering services. RFPs are public announcements offered by various organizations and companies to relevant and qualified contractors or posted publicly to seek bids for some type of specialized service. Kentucky Revised Statutes and Kentucky Administrative Regulations are referenced where applicable. Course cost is $80.00.
CREATING AN ENGINEERING SCOPE OF WORK - 4 PDH - Course covers the various details to create a scope of work as it relates to engineering projects. Among the important items are project overview/objective, deliverables, a timeline to accomplish the work, milestones and required reports. The course also reviews applicable Kentucky Administrative Regulations. In addition, example scopes of work are provided to further explain the necessary components to include. Course cost is $80.00.
PAVEMENT AND PAVER DESIGN FOR PARKING LOTS - 4 PDH - Course provides information related to pavements and pavers that can be used in parking lots to enhance water quality and minimize water pollution. In addition, permitting reuirements by local, state and federal governments are covered. Case studies are provided to show completed projects. Course cost is $80.00.
SOLAR FARM ENGINEERING - 4 PDH - Course covers responsibilities the professional engineer may have when providing engineering services for solar farms. The responsibilities may include research, site visit, preparation of design documents, solar panel foundation design and stake out, project management and as-built plans. It also references various Kentucky Administrative Regulations and Kentucky Revised Statutes the engineer must comply with in his/her work performance. Course cost is $80.00.
RENEWABLE ENERGY - 6 PDH - Course provides an overview of the current generation of renewable energy sources including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and hydropower. It describes some of the challenges of energy storage, distribution and management. It also covers various benefits and risks in efforts leading to a smaller carbon footprint and an overall positive impact on the natural environment while making the United States' electricity grid more efficient and less reliant on imported energy. Course cost is $120.00.
IRS BILLING AND COLLECTION - 4 PDH - Course addresses the Internal Revenue Service billing and collection process and appeal options available to the individual or company including contacts for assistance if wrongfully billed, Taxpayer Advocate Service and Taxpayer Rights. In addition, it describes a number of electronic options to pay taxes in full or by other methods from installment agreement and offer in compromise to cash. It also covers various collection actions the IRS can take including liens, levy, seizure of property, summons, passport actions and private collection agencies and explains innocent spouse relief. Course cost is $80.00.
CALCULATING VOLUMES - 4 PDH - Course covers various methods of collecting field data that is used to calculate volumes. It describes their importance in quantity assessments for project site management and decision making. It reviews issues related to calculating the volume of stored or excavated material to provide safeguards against future disputes between developers, builders and contractors when dealing with large contractual quantities of material. Course cost is $80.00.
CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION - 4 PDH - Course covers data collection and formal documentation, set of drawings or 3D data set that depicts how a public or private building or infrastructure was actually built. Infrastructure can include roads, sewers and/or utilities. All modifications, additions and other changes made during the construction process are a part of this data set. Course cost is $80.00.
TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION - 6 PDH - Course provides an overview of traffic signalization including the evolution of traffic signals, describes the engineer's role in making congested roadways more safe and efficient through the operation of traffic signals, covers traffic counting, vehicle detection technologies, signal phasing and what the future may hold. Course cost is $120.00.
ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS - 5 PDH - Course reviews environmentally sensitive areas and issues related to development in and around them. In addition, wetlands and sinkholes mitigation and federal and state permitting requirements for water quality certification and stream construction are covered. Applicable Kentucky Administrative Regulations and Kentucky Revised Statutes are also referenced. Course cost is $100.00.
THE EVOLVING FUTURE OF ENGINEERING - 5 PDH - Course covers various engineering fields, challenges both present and future, the inventive genius of engineers and emerging technologies, and demand for professional expertise and leadership skills. Kentucky Administrative Regulations are also referenced that apply to the professional engineer and his/her obligation to provide for the safety, health and welfare of the public. Course cost is $100.00.
REMOTELY CONTROLLED AIRCRAFT - 5 PDH - Course reviews one of today's major technological developments, the remotely controlled aircraft. It details the advancement of the technology that allows for their use in data collection, aerial photography, remote sensing, mapping and project related inspections. In addition, Federal Aviation Administration rules are reviewed. Static and dynamic path planning, their many uses in developments, disaster areas and in public safety are explored. Guidance is provided to assist the engineer when he/she is considering a system to deploy. These aircraft can be a very useful tool on engineering related projects. Course cost is $100.00.
MANAGING EASEMENTS - 3 PDH - Course reviews various types of easements, general principles that apply to them and the importance of their use and understanding by the engineer. Methods used to establish and document easements are also covered. Course cost is $60.00.
PROPOSED NATIONAL SPATIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM - 4 PDH - Course provides an overview of the modernization of the NSPS by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). The course lists the rationale and benefits to replace the North American Datum 1983 and the North American Vertical Datum 1988. It also covers Kentucky's plan to meet NGS requirements by revising its State Plane Coordinate System. Course cost is $80.00.
ENGINEERS AND ALTA/NSPS SURVEYS - 3 PDH - Course provides a detailed review of the American Land Title Association/National Society of Professional Surveyors (ALTA/NSPS) Survey Standards. It covers the standards, field work, plat or map, required certifications and other information necessary to complete an acceptable ALTA/NSPS survey. Course cost is $60.00.
ENGINEERING IN THE DIGITAL AGE - 5 PDH - Course provides an overview of available technologies to benefit the professional engineer. Among the topics covered are cloud computing, file sharing, cyber security, electronic document submittal, Building Information Modeling, augmented reality and virtual meetings. Course cost is $100.00.
DETENTION AND RETENTION BASIN DESIGN - 5 PDH - Course reviews concepts and criteria of basin design, provides example design calculations for basin sizing, covers field data required, and describes design and maintenance issues. Course cost is $100.00.
DIGITAL SIGNATURES - 3 PDH - Course reviews Kentucky Administrative Regulations related to the use of electronic seals and signatures. It covers creation of the authentication process and benefits to the professional engineer. Various issues related to security, file sharing and the electronic submission of work products are also described. Course cost is $60.00.
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - 4 PDH - Course covers the effective management of resources to help individuals and companies more consistently deliver projects and services on time and within budget. Course describes the importance of resource management and addresses principles and best practices that may be followed to improve it. Course cost is $80.00.
SURVIVING AN OSHA INSPECTION - 4 PDH - Course covers what triggers an inspection, what employers and employees need to know, stages of an inspection, steps companies can take to prepare for an Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspection and workplace citations and safety penalties. It also provides options available to the employer if a notice of citation(s) is received. Injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting requirements are addressed as are worker rights and protections. Course cost is $80.00.
LANDFILL MANAGEMENT - 2 PDH - Course reviews issues of permitting and managing a landfill in Kentucky. It covers various Kentucky Revised Statutes and Kentucky Administrative Regulations that pertain to solid waste management and the engineer's work responsibilities in the design and permitting of a landfill. Course cost is $40.00.
WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH - 4 PDH - Course presents seven core elements essential for a company safety and health program to be consistent with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970. It describes several steps that can be taken to enhance an existing program or to provide a solid basis for one being created. Applicable OSHA sections are referenced to further emphasize the responsibilities of employers and employees. Course cost is $80.00.
BUILDING CHARACTER - 3 PDH - Course focus is on leadership character and covers why it is important and how it is developed. In addition it describes various dimensions of character and the impact it can have on others and/or an organization. Information is provided to help those who are in leadership positions or those aspiring to become a leader. Course cost is $60.00.
MANAGING ENGINEERING RECORDS - 4 PDH - Course covers requirements for retaining work products described in 201 Kentucky Administrative Regulations 18. It addresses document management systems, records preservation, indexing and destruction and the transfer of assets/liabilities when engineering companies are sold or consolidated. Course cost is $80.00.
PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY - 4 PDH - Course reviews issues of liability incurred in the practice of engineering. Methods for the individual engineer and engineering firm to reduce liability and applicable Kentucky Administrative Regulations and Kentucky Revised Statutes are covered. Specific situations concerning the individual engineer and his/her liability exposure are also addressed. Course cost is $80.00.
SUCCESSION PLANNING and the ENGINEER- 4 PDH - Course covers topics such as business structure, continuation goals and objectives, leadership development, company valuation, financing options, buy-sell agreements and limiting taxes affecting the family and/or private company. A road map is provided to benefit an individual's career and to provide stability of a business during leadership changes. Course cost is $80.00.
BASICS of ESTATE PLANNING - 4 PDH - Course provides a number of strategies to assist in the preparation of an estate plan. Topics covered include wills, living trusts, guardianship of minor children, how to avoid probate, retirement savings plans, health care directives, powers of attorney, incapacity, estate taxes and identifying and developing new leadership for the continuity of a business. Course cost is $80.00.
THE SKIP LEVEL MANAGER - 3 PDH - Course provides a strategy for upper management to use when conducting one on one meetings with employees a level or more below them. Insights gained from such meetings can be used to improve company leadership and boost employee retention, work efficiency and production. Course cost is $60.00.
RETIREMENT PLANNING - 4 PDH - Course provides detailed information to help those planning for a future retirement or those attempting to manage accumulated wealth in retirement. It covers retirement needs and wants strategies for individuals and businesses to provide financial independence, build, preserve and protect assets and enhance financial strength. Course cost is $80.00.
ABC's of ADA - 3 PDH - Course reviews the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 which established a cohesive federal framework that ensures that the rights of people with disabilities are not infringed upon. It also covers related design issues pertaining to sidewalks, trails, bicycle paths, etc. Examples are provided to show methods that may be used to comply with ADA requirements. Course cost is $60.00.
RIPARIAN PROPERTY - 3 PDH - Course covers the evolution of water rights, riparian law and how riparian principles affect land development. Various local, state and federal permits and permitting issues are also addressed. Course cost is $60.00.
URBAN DEVELOPMENTS - 4 PDH - Course provides an overview of the various issues related to urban area development. The engineer has an important role in planning and construction of roads and other urban facilities such as residential developments, schools, shopping centers, parks and open spaces. The course also references ethical standards the engineer must comply with when providing services for developments in the urban environment. Course cost is $80.00.
TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING - 3 PDH - Course covers several methods of data collection used to complete a topographic map and various uses of it. In addition it provides a brief review of mapping throughout the ancient world and in the United States. Various accuracy standards are reviewed with references made to Kentucky Administrative Regulations and Kentucky Revised Statutes that apply to conducting such an effort. Course cost is $60.00.
NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT - 4 PDH - Course describes various traffic management measures used to address traffic flow in neighborhoods to create a more livable environment for residents, pedestrians and bicyclists. In addition it covers the ethical responsibilities of the professional engineer when working with communities and neighborhood groups. Course cost is $80.00.
EVIDENCE AND THE ENGINEER - 4 PDH - Course covers various types of evidence the engineer may collect during an investigation and careful analysis of construction or product failure and how the evidence is traditionally considered in legal decisions. Case studies are provided to emphasize the laws of evidence and types of evidence. Course cost is $80.00.
REVIEW OF AIR RIGHTS - 3 PDH - Course reviews issues related to air rights, state statutes and the Kentucky Condominium Act. Documenting air rights through legal documents and the professional engineer's responsibilities are also covered. Course cost is $60.00.
INTRODUCTION TO DRONES - 3 PDH - An overview of unmanned aerial systems or drones is provided. It covers the evolution of technology that allows for the commercial use of them in data collection, aerial photography, remote sensing and mapping. In addition, the course reviews the proposed rules of their use in the national airspace. Course cost is $60.00.
ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES - 3 PDH - Applicable sections of 201 Kentucky Administrative Regulations 18:142 are reviewed to provide the engineer with ethical guidance when working with the general public and others. It also presents several case studies to emphasize various engineering principles. Course cost is $60.00.
BONDING PROCEDURES - 2 PDH - The course reviews general procedures to follow when bonding public improvements. It addresses Kentucky Revised Statute 100 and applicable standards of conduct for the engineer when working with infrastructure projects. Course cost is $40.00.
TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY - 5 PDH - The course describes the steps to be taken in conducting a study of the anticipated impact of traffic generated by a proposed development. It includes appropriate location, spacing, and design of access points necessary to mitigate the traffic and operational impacts on a highway. It also covers the required contents of the traffic impact study final report. Course cost is $100.00.
RURAL SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT - 4 PDH - The course describes the administrative process related to the development of a rural subdivision. It also describes the work associated with the planning and development phases of such a project. Course cost is $80.00.
MANAGING ASSETS - 3 PDH - The course describes assets of an individual or business and provides basic guidelines to effectively manage them. It offers guidance in the development of a plan for purchasing, preventive maintenance, control and liquidation or retirement of an asset. Course cost is $60.00.
To order - complete registration form and mail with corresponding payment for either PDF or CD-ROM course format. Each course consists of a PowerPoint presentation, a set of handouts and a 20-question exam covering the course content. Successful completion of the course exam is a 75% passing score. A certificate will be issued to verify earned professional development hours of credit per course completed. Please note that certificates can only be issued to those who pay for the PDF or CD-ROM course(s).
Once the registration form and payment are received for the course(s) the PDF files will be sent by email within 24 hours of receiving the course order and payment. The CD-ROM, handout(s) and exam will be sent by first class mail to you within 2 business days of receiving the course order with payment. The certificate(s) are usually mailed or emailed within 2 working days once the completed exam(s) is(are) returned by email, fax or through the U.S. Postal Service.
Note: The responsibility is placed on the registrant to determine which courses meet continuing education requirements in states that do not pre-approve courses or sponsors of continuing education courses.