CONDUCTING CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS - 2 Hours Credit - Course addresses important steps in conducting construction surveys. Surveys are made to stake out improvements such as sewers, retaining walls, landscaping features and building footers. Construction related activities such as grading work, as-built plans, determining detention basin volume and flood plain certifications are also covered. Control networks are used in the field survey. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in Kentucky.
ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS - 4 Hours Credit - Course reviews environmentally sensitive areas and the issues related to development in and around them. In addition, wetlands and sinkhole mitigation and federal and state permitting requirements for water quality certification and stream construction are covered. Applicable Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR) and Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) are also referenced. Course cost is $80.00. Pre-approved in Kentucky.
DETENTION AND RETENTION BASIN DESIGN - 3 Hours Credit - Course reviews the concepts and criteria associated with basin design. It covers information and includes required design data and how that data is gathered. Basin design and maintenance issues are also discussed. Course cost is $60.00. Pre-approved in Kentucky.
DRONES 101 - 2 Hours Credit - Course provides an introduction to and overview of drones. It covers the evolution of technology that allows for the commercial use of them in data collection, aerial photography, imaging (remote sensing and mapping). In addition, it reviews the rules of use in the national airspace. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in Kentucky.
AMERICAN SOCIETY for TESTING and MATERIALS (ASTM) STANDARDS - 3 Hours Credit - Course reviews the history of ASTM for development and construction related materials and their acceptance for use by individuals, companies nd institutions. Various construction materials are referenced with respect to strength, installation and other applicable elements. Course cost is $60.00. Pre-approved in Kentucky.
ABC's of ADA - 3 Hours Credit - Course reviews the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 which established a cohesive federal framework that ensures that the rights of people with disabilities are not infringed upon. It also covers related design issues pertaining to sidewalks, trails, bicycle paths, etc. Examples are provided to show methods that may be used to comply with ADA requirements. Course cost is $60.00. Pre-approved in Kentucky.
URBAN DEVELOPMENTS - 4 Hours Credit - Course provides an overview of the various issues related to urban area development. The landscape architect has an important role in planning, development and construction of urban facilities, and proper use of the land (residential developments, schools, shopping centers, parks and open spaces). The course also references ethical standards the landscape architect must comply with when providing services for developments in the urban environment. Course cost is $80.00. Pre-approved in Kentucky.
TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS - 3 Hours Credit - The course reviews map making and describes the methods and equipment used to complete a topographic survey. In addition it covers the various uses of a topographic map. Course cost is $60.00. Pre-approved in KY.
TRAFFIC CALMING - 4 Hours Credit - Course covers the beginnings of traffic calming/management in neighborhoods and investigates the impact of high traffic volumes and speeds on quality of life on the streets serving them. It describes various measures that can be used to calm the traffic flow and create a more livable environment for neighborhood residents, pedestrians and bicyclists. Also addressed are the ethical responsibilities of the landscape architect when working with communities and neighborhood groups. Course cost is $80.00. Pre-approved in KY.
TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY - 4 Hours Credit - Course describes the need to study the anticipated impact of traffic generated by a proposed development to protect the function of the adjacent transportation network. It also places emphasis on the Kentucky Traffic Impact Study requirements and the steps to be taken in conducting such a study for developments along state maintained highways. Course cost is $80.00. Pre-approved in KY.
RURAL SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT - 3 Hours Credit - Course describes the administrative process related to the development of a rural subdivision and also covers the work associated with the planning and development phases of such a project. Course cost is $60.00. Pre-approved in KY.
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRINCIPLES - 1.5 Hours Credit - Course reviews applicable sections within 201 Kentucky Admninistrative Regulations 10:030 that provide ethical guidance for landscape architects to follow when working with the public and others. It also presents several case studies to emphasize the application of various principles. Course cost is $30.00. Pre-approved in KY.
REVIEW OF AIR RIGHTS - 1.5 Hours Credit - Course reviews issues related to air rights, state statutes and the Kentucky Condominium Act. Documenting air rights through legal documents and the landscape architect's responsibilities are also covered. Course cost is $30.00. Pre-approved in KY.
BONDING PROCEDURES - 1.5 Hours Credit - Course reviews general procedures related to bonding public improvements. It addresses Kentucky Revised Statute 100 and applicable standards of conduct for the landscape architect when he/she is involved with infrastructure projects. Course cost is $30.00. Pre-approved in KY.
DRAFTING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - 2 Hours Credit - The course focuses on preparing technical specifications typically associated with a construction project. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
SITE ASSESSMENT AND CONSTRUCTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT - 3 Hours Credit - The course reviews the assessment of a proposed development and the field data needed to develop construction plans. It also covers various methods used to collect the data and describes the interpretation and plan development from that data. Course cost is $60.00. Pre-approved in KY.
INTRODUCTION TO LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT (LID) - 3 Hours Credit - The course provides a basic understanding of the concepts of Low Impact Development, gives a summary of the Clean Water Act and covers best management practices applicable to LID. In addition, it describes typical local, state and federal permitting requirements, costs, funding opportunities and case studies of completed LID projects. Course cost is $60.00. Pre-approved in KY.
STREAMBANK RESTORATION - 3 Hours Credit - The course provides several methods to restore those streambanks that have been changed/degraded by development, erosion and channelization to a more natural condition. Course cost is $60.00. Pre-approved in KY.
HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS - 2 Hours Credit - Course reviews uses for hydrographic surveys and the various methods used in performing them. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
SUBDIVISION AND LAND USE - 2 Hours Credit - Course reviews land use planning and subdivision layout guidelines. Guidance is given regarding assessing external and on-site development factors. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
SURVIVING THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS - 4 Hours Credit - Course follows a project from the initial zone change to submittal of construction plans by reviewing state statutes and common procedures involved with the development process. Course cost is $80.00. Pre-approved in KY.
WATERSHED MANAGEMENT - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews principles and methods used to control and improve water quality within a watershed. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews commonly accepted techniques and practices relating to construction of site improvements. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
PARKING LOT DESIGN - 4 Hours Credit. Course reviews standard design guidelines for parking lot layouts including ADA considerations, loading docks and entrance apron geometry. Course cost is $80.00. Pre-approved in KY.
WETLANDS DELINEATION - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews wetlands issues such as identifying wetlands, defining the limits of the wetlands and permitting issues pertaining to wetlands. This will assist a Landscape Architect in effectively assessing and managing wetlands. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT - 2 Hours Credit. Course covers issues in properly mapping and evaluating the impact of proposed developments in flood plains, permitting, and elevation certificates. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
STORM PIPING MATERIALS - 2 Hours Credit. Course compares various characteristics of storm piping materials. This can be useful to match specific piping materials with the appropriate projects. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
GPS SURVEYS - 2 Hours Credit. Course is designed to offer basic information on Global Positioning Systems and how to use them to conduct various surveys. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
ALTA/NSPS SURVEY STANDARDS - 2 Hours Credit. Course reveiws ALTA/NSPS surveying standards that are often required in design work and the information a Landscape Architect can obtain from such a survey. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
EASEMENTS - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews basic principles regarding easements and how to apply these principles in land use management. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
DRAINAGE STUDIES & ELEVATION CERTIFICATES - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews information required and methods to use for a drainge study in addition to the process involved in completing an elevation certificate. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
FIELD MANAGEMENT - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews procedures to follow when conducting field work. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
SAFE TRAFFIC CONTROL - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews accepted methods of traffic control in work areas. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
RIPARIAN PROPERTY - 4 Hours Credit. Course covers the evolution of water rights, riparian law and how riparian principles affect land development. Permitting issues are also addressed. Course cost is $80.00. Pre-approved in KY.
KENTUCKY CODE OF CONDUCT FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews the Kentucky code of conduct for landscape architects. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
WATER QUALITY METHODS FOR PARKING LOT DESIGN - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews basic methods that can be used to accomplish permanent water quality control for parking lots. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
EROSION CONTROL FOR CONSTRUCTION SITES - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews acceptable methods of erosion control that can be used on site during construction. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
BOUNDARY LAW - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews legal boundary law principles and how these principles affect land use. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
DENDROLOGY - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews tree identification methods. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
GPS & GIS BASICS - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews basic information on GPS and GIS and how to access and use this information. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
KENTUCKY PLANNING & ZONING - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews KRS 100 (Kentucky planning and zoning statutes). Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews researching and interpreting legal descriptions. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S ROLE IN SITE DEVELOPMENT - 2 Hours Credit. Course reviews various responsibilities a landscape architect may have during site development. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
TRAIL DESIGN - 2 Hours Credit. Course covers design considerations for mixed use trails. Course cost is $40.00. Pre-approved in KY.
To order - complete registration form and mail with corresponding payment for either PDF or CD-ROM course format. Each course consists of a PowerPoint presentation, a set of handouts and a 20-question exam covering the course content. Successful completion of the course exam is a 75% passing score. A certificate will be issued to verify earned professional development hours of credit per course completed. Please note that certificates can only be issued to those who pay for the PDF or CD-ROM course(s).
Once the registration form and payment are received for the course(s) the PDF files will be sent by email within 24 hours of receiving the course order and payment. The CD-ROM, handout(s) and exam will be sent by first class mail within 2 business days of receiving the course order with payment. The certificate(s) are usually mailed or emailed within 2 working days once the completed exam(s) is(are) returned by email, fax or through the U.S. Postal Service.